Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Family Life - March & April

I should post about March and April before it is time to publish May and June! The last several months have been full of much activity, travel, and work. In mid-March, I began a 10-week, online course in Biblical Counseling, I continued traveling frequently to my grandmother's to progress the cleaning out, Emma, Stephen and the kids came for a visit early in April, and we began working on preparing our home for a remodel, and more. 

They were full months and there were times when I was quite overwhelmed with the needs at hand, but as I think back on them, I trust God's timing. He did not put any pressure upon me that His grace did not accompany. If I had decided to hold off taking the online course when I did (God's fingerprints were all over the decision), I would certainly not have taken it until next year, if at all, and I would have missed all that the Lord had for me and taught me in it. It was taxing, working through lectures and assignments alongside the many other pressing needs of the weeks, but it called forth a need in me to call out to the Helper, my Strength, and Guide. 

So, whatever it is that you are facing today, dear sisters, whatever hurdles He has lovingly placed in front of you, remember that they are too big for you and that God does give us more than we can handle, but you have a Father, Who will carry you and offers help. The hurdles are not to daunt us or cause us to doubt, but they are encouragements to cast ourselves upon the Lord, remember what we know to be true about His character, and rest our faith in that. I love the quote by Charles Spurgeon, "I have learned to kiss the wave that slams me into the Rock of Ages." Be encouraged, be upheld by Him.

One of the many joys of spring is the chance to get more walks in 
on the farm.

All of us girls enjoyed carrying Caleb around while Emma,
Stephen and the boys were visiting. Auntie life is a blast!

It was precious to see how much James loves being with Dad.

Snapping a picture with Caden before he headed back to college
for the spring semester.

Puss-Puss gifted(?) us with 6 kittens!. 

The Skelton family are faithful cattle customers, but also some
very dear family friends. It is always a happy day when they
come to the farm. The rest of the family was off in separate 
places, but we snapped a quick picture with Denise. 

For Mom's birthday, we took off to the park for whiffle ball and

Taking a load of cleaned and sorted house items to our storage container. 

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