Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Glass Elevator

My family was established in the animal feed business when I was born. My dad traveled occasionally with a certain feed company to promotional events, shows, etc. For a time and for certain events, our small family would travel with him and we would visit amusement parks or other areas of interest during the day while Dad was busy. I believe it was one such trip, we were staying in a hotel and as little children, there is nothing more disappointing than to find out your assigned hotel room was on the first floor and there would be no need to ride the elevator. At this certain hotel, however, it was not such a grief and joy upon joy, this elevator had a glass wall so you could watch the lobby below as you rose above it! What a thrilling experience for two little girls!

If my memory serves me correctly, this certain event happened while we were making preparations to pack the car to return home. Dad had made a trip to the car with Emma and me and we were on our way back to the room to pick up another load of luggage. My sister and I were gleefully watching the lobby below us when the elevator arrived on the floor, the doors opened and everyone got off. That is...except me. Too engrossed with the view before me, I was not watching my dad as he stepped off at the correct destination, and to my fear and horror, I turned to find that I was left alone, save for a hotel employee who didn't look the most compassionate on the little girl who was obviously in the wrong place. Naturally, when my dad realized that he was missing one, he returned to the elevator, which I had least at the good sense to stay in, and safely brought me back to the room. 

A small childhood story? Yes, it is, but the spiritual lesson that I see in it now, many years later, holds a different meaning.   

What distractions of the world cause me to take my eyes off the Father and therefore pull away my attentions and love? 

I would like to take a moment and say that I am not attempting to make the connection that by taking our eyes off the Lord, I am insinuating that we thus lose our salvation. Absolutely not! Salvation is a once-for-all decision (John 10:27-29). It is acknowledging to God that you are sinners in need of a Savior (Romans 5:12). We have each broken God's perfect law (The 10 Commandments) and it is in no power or goodness of ourselves that we can attain eternal life (Titus 3:4-6 and Ephesians 2:8-9). It is turning to Jesus, seeing Him as the sinless Lamb that was sacrificed for your sins because of the great love wherewith He loved you (Romans 5:8,15). Salvation can never be lost. Jesus only died once, you are only saved once and forever held in the palm of His hand. However, scripture says that the old man, the old flesh, still wars against our renewed and redeemed nature (Galatians 2:16-17) and this fleshly nature works to pull my love and focus away from my loving Father in Heaven.

The hotel lobby held all of my attention, so much so that I turned away from my dad who was my 
surest guide. By keeping my eyes on my dad I would have been safe, I would have been secure, and I would have followed him to where I needed to go, but the lavish-looking sights below, which only lasted a short time, dulled me to the greater need at hand, which was keeping my eyes on my father so I would not get lost. So then I ask the question again. What is in my life, your life, that causes our eyes to stray from the Shephard's face to the alluring sights of the world? What daily distractions draw our attention away from our Savior to sensual things? Are there pieces of entertainment that need to be let go that are filling your mind with fleshly desires rather than dwelling on pure things? What about a relationship that is pulling your affections away from the Lord? Is time with the Lord a priority on your list or is it "when I get to it"? Do you need to readjust your schedule to make Bible time and scripture memory consistent? The Lord Jesus Christ desires the first place in each of our lives. He asks for it, but He will not force it. So, ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas that need to be let go and ask Him to realign your heart's focus upon our Saviour. 

Do not be discouraged by the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the refining work that He wishes to do, but welcome it as a sign of the seal that you bear of being in Christ and that it is growing you more into the image of our great God and our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Would the Lord continue His sanctifying work in all of us to create and cleanse us into vessels of honor unto Him for His glory and honor. May He be praised!

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good...And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." 
1 Thessalonians 5:21,23

Thursday, January 2, 2025

The Shell

Upon the sandy shore an empty shell,               
    Beyond the shell infinity sea;
O Savior, I am like that empty shell,
    Thou art the Sea to me.

A sweeping wave rides up the shore, and lo,
    Each dim recess the coiled shell within
Is searched, is filled, is filled to overflow
    By water crystalline.

Not to the shell is any glory then:
    All glory give we to the glorious sea.
And not to me is any glory when
    Thou overflowest me. 

Sweep over me, Thy shell, as low I lie;
    I yield me to the purpose of Thy will;
Sweep up, O conquering waves, and purify,
    And with Thy fullness fill. 

~by Amy Carmichael